Preventing water crises
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Preventing water crises

International Programme and Drafting Committee

Following the tradition of the Summits organised in 2013 and 2016, the programme of the Budapest Water Summit 2019  is prepared by a group of world- renowned experts of the water sector. Each member of the International Programme and Drafting Committe will moderate a Session of the conference.


András Szöllősi-Nagy

Chair of the International Programme and Drafting Committee, Professor, National University of Public Service, Hungary


Henk Ovink

Special Envoy for International Water Affairs for the Kingdom of the Netherlands

María Concepcion Donoso

Director, International Programs for Institute for Water and the Environment, Florida International University

Ahmet Mete Saatçi

President, Turkish Water Institute

Xavier Leflaive

Principal Administrator, Environment Directorate, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Carlo Giupponi

Dean, Venice International University

János Bogárdi

Professor, Center for Development Research, University of Bonn

Ravi Narayanan

Chair, Governing Council, Asia-Pacific Water Forum

Aaron Wolf

Director,  Program in Water Conflict Management, Oregon State University 

Maggie White

Senior manager, Stockholm International Water Institute


Balázs Heincz

Head of Department, Department for Water Diplomacy and the Danube Region Strategy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hungary

Chair of the IPDC - András Szöllősi-Nagy

Introducing Mr András Szöllősi-Nagy, Chair of the International Programme and Drafting Committee

Members of the IPDC - Maria C. Donoso

Introducing Dr. Maria C. Donoso,  member of the International Programme and Drafting Committee

Members of the IPDC - Ahmet Mete Saatçi

Introducing Prof. Ahmet Mete Saatçi, member of the International Programme and Drafting Committee

Members of the IPDC - Xavier Leflaive

Introducing Mr Xavier Leflaive, member of the International Programme and Drafting Committee

Members of the IPDC - Carlo Giupponi

Introducing Mr Carlo Giupponi, member of the International Programme and Drafting Committee

Members of the IPDC - János Bogárdi

Introducing Prof Dr. János J. Bogárdi, member of the International Programme and Drafting Committee

Members of the IPDC - Ravi Narayanan

Introducing Mr Ravi Narayanan, member of the International Programme and Drafting Committee

Members of the IPDC - Aaron Wolf

Introducing Mr Aaron Wolf, member of the International Programme and Drafting Committee

Members of the IPDC - Maggie White

Introducing Ms Maggie White,  member of the International Programme and Drafting Committee